
A new welfare state model?

The recent public opinion considers essential the public policies to development and education, health and pension guarantee. My impression is that there will be new tendencies to welfare state model in Western Europe, which is highly influential for other countries/regions and the world economy entirely.
By expanding of industrial development, the welfare state -being inspired by Keynesian economics after WWII[1]- has worked as a response to modernization and “emergence of an industrial working class”.[2] From a point of view, “The welfare state is an essential institution in any modern society[3] even thought different models under market economy pressure have had different results. The universal model (equality-oriented) which has been implemented in Nordic Countries, has generally considered more successful in reducing Gini and mitigating poverty, than liberal and corporatist models. Even so after financial crisis in 2009 the welfare state in many of developed countries faced challenge of employment deterioration and difficulties to social expenditures, in the way that the most victims have been the poor inhabitants and minority groups.[4] . As Stiglitz believes, the market failures reminds us “the markets are not efficient” and “have failed to provide insurance against unemployment and disability, and again the welfare state and public policy stepped in[5].However the big Challenge in the future of the integrated global markets is the sustainability of investment in human resource to fight squalor, ignorance and disease[6] among others. Demographic aging by 2050, technology and automation, the “dramatic increase in women’s labor force participation” and “market labor saturation” affect the new welfare state model.[7] According to Minouche Shafik, “universal basic income transfers money to people who are not poor[8] and as it was concluded during another event at LSE, “richness is a bigger challenge than giant of poverty for achieving equality[9], in other words by implementing the new politics based on richness control and then wealth redistribution, the poverty will be eradicated more efficient. 
Now in the twenty-first century, developing countries are exposure to globalisation challenges too because of the inward FDI, industrialisation cooperation with OECD countries and debt issues. The new welfare state model in North can affect on South system tactation and other elements of economics structure in the long-term. 

[1] De Regil. Alvaro (2001), Keynesian Economics and The Welfare State, p.3
[2] Andersen. Jørgen Goul (2012), Welfare States and Welfare State Theory, p.5
[3] Ibid., p.4
[4] Lindbeck. Assar (2006), The Welfare State: Background, Achievements, Problems, p.18
[5] Stiglitz. Joseph (2015), The Welfare State in the Twenty First Century, p.3-13
[6] William Beveridge (1942), Beveridge Report: Social Insurance and Allied Services
[7] Myles. John, Quadagno. Jill (2002), Political Theories of the Welfare State, p.51
[8] Shafik. Minouche, LSE Events: Beveridge 2.0 - Rethinking the Welfare State for the 21st Century. Available on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtpQ_bLQE4k    (min. 27)
[9] LSE Festival 2018, The Challenge of Richness? Rethinking the Giant of Poverty. Available on: